
Stereotyping People In The World Don T Understand Muslim

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Some of the people in the world don’t understand Muslim. I am going to talk about the causes, effect and solutions for this problem One of the causes is stereotyping people think the Muslim are different from the other people. They think all Muslim are alike and they call all of us a terrorist. Other causes are racism. People who are racist see only the skin color. Another reason is they don’t know better. Finally, they are scared of us. The reason why they are scared of us is that they think we will change them. One of the effects is people don’t see us as individuals. They don’t see us because we are not like them we are different from them. Another effect is some people judge us because we dress differently, talk differently, and we worship …show more content…

In society, some people automatically assume that if you look Asian or Muslim, you are either automatically smart or a terrorist. But when in reality, they're just an average person just like everyone else. Society has taught some of us to judge others based on their race instead of the individual and their acts. Remember This, Life, Inspiration, Stereotypes, Quotes, Judges, truths, people, human. I stuck this in inspiration, reason being I hope it inspires us all to remember that stereotypes not ok. Stereotypes are so stupid. All people are equally important and beautiful, no matter what they look like or where they are from, and cannot be defined by a stupid stereotype. Treat all people with love and kindness, we are all humans, and all family. Stop being racist, cruel and selfish and open your eyes. I hope we can all remember this before we pass judgment. Stereotyping leads to judgment and racism. Instead of taking the time to get to know one another many base their personality off stereotyping. In America's society stereotyping is at its climax. People need to acknowledge that each person has a different personality and outlook on

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