Steve Harmon Sparknotes

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In society today people are labeled as things they are not. In the book Monster, Steve Harmon is labeled as a monster for a crime he did not participate in. The book has a lot of people that are involved with the crime that was committed, but the main character is a 16-year-old boy who is accused of murder, theft or just being there as the lookout. The 16-year-olds name is Steve Harmon. Steve was the lookout for the robbery but was not a part of Mr. Nesbitt’s death. First of all, Steve admitted to being at the store and he also says he’s not the one who killed Mr. Nesbitt. So therefore he was the lookout for the robbery. Here is some evidence from the book, “I walked into a drug store to look for some mints, and then I walked out.” “I didn’t kill Mr. Nesbitt.” (140). This is important because he said in court that he was not there, but wrote in his journal that he was there, so that shows that he was there. …show more content…

For example, “If I had a crew, I could get paid” said King, Peaches states that “Banks is where the money is” “What you got, youngblood?” said King to Steve (51). They were talking about the robbery that day in which steve denied doing and said “I mean, I might have spoken to him, but we don't talk about anything important enough to remember”(226). These quotes are important because it proves that he was a part of the robbery and the planning of the