Steve Jobs Connotative Speech

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In the year of 2011, the world lost one of the most successful figures in the high-tech business — Steve Jobs. He was the creator of Apple, Pixar Animation and NeXT. On the day of Stanford University 114th Commencement in 2005, he shared his personal anecdotes and urged the graduates to seek their dreams and discover the window of opportunities in life's hindrances, as well as death itself. They very first line of his speech, Steve Jobs compliments the Stanford graduates as he instantly appealed their emotions. “I’m honored to be with you today for your commencement for one of the finest universities in the world” (Jobs). He then states that he never graduated from college. He humiliates himself a little bit making the audience feel very accomplished at the same time. We cannot deny that the …show more content…

“Denotative meaning is the literal or dictionary definition of a word. Connotative meaning is the interpretation of a word based on personal experiences” (Beebe, Mottet, Page 49). Steve uses the denotative meaning of the word “commencement”. The dictionary definition of commencement is a ceremony in which degrees or diplomas are conferred on graduating students. Also used as the denotative meaning is the word “death”. Steve uses the connotative meaning of the phrase “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish” (Jobs). I think he used this phrase to keep the students reminded that they are only just starting the life they are far away from; the only way they will get to where they want to be is to continue the progress and keep up the hard work. He uses the connotative meaning of the word “renaissance” (rebirth/revival) to portray the current state of Apple. Also, he uses the connotative meaning of receiving a “death sentence” aka his cancer diagnosis but is saved later by a “rebirth” aka his