Steven Avery And The Death Of Teresa Halbach

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Steven Avery and his lawyers try to prove his innocence of causing the death of Teresa Halbach. Steven claims that he is going through false accusations. Steven thinks that the department was up to something by finding him guilty. Evidence used against Steven was the bone investigation, bullet fragments, and DNA extraction. A bone research was done on a search at Steven’s garage. The bones of the top eye sockets left nasal bone, cheek bones, cranial bones, along with skull fragments that belonged to Teresa were found. The defects demonstrated what happened to a skull bone after it had been shot. No entire bones were found. It was investigated that the bone fragments had been moved from the original scene. Damage was not seen due to the bone transport. The primary location from where Teresa’s bones were burned could not be identified. Bullet fragments that were found in Steven’s residence were used to testify against Steven. The search for Steven’s garage started on March 1, 2006. Every item was virtually checked for any evidence against Steven. Detective Dave Remiker claimed that he found 11 caliber bullets and shell casings. On March 2, 2006, there was said to be bullet fragments in the garage. On November 6, …show more content…

Sherry extracted DNA by washing it. The source of the bullet tested was “Item FL.” Manipulation control was done to see if there was to be any mistake done in the testing. During the investigation, Sherry contaminated herself. Jerry stated his concern of the possibility that DNA from Steven was put in the bullet from a test tube. The tested weapon was tested four months after Teresa’s death. In a call between Sherry and Mr. Fassbender, it is overheard that he tells her to “try to put her in the house or the garage.” Sherry should have reported inclusive instead of saying that the bullet was Teresa’s. Jerry fights the case with claiming that Sherry was never supposed to be

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