
Stock Car Racing Research Paper

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Stock Car Racing The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing is family owned and operated by Bill France. The first NASCAR sanctioned race was February 15, 1948 at Daytona Beach, Florida. The first national race was June 19,1949 at the Charlotte speedway in North Carolina. The first winner of this race was Glenn Dunnaway. There was about 13,000 fans watching this race waiting for Dunnaway to win.Racing has become very popular all around the world for many years.There are many speedways opening all around the world for racing. The evolution of stock car racing from a historical perspective of how and why is developed is because of cultural,geographical, economic beginnings, and how it’s impacted the American culture today. …show more content…

Today stock car racing is the largest spectator sport in American. As racing becomes more popular the fans are changing from southern male collar workers to mainstream America. Fan bases all around the world are increasing for their favorite racecar driver. People are getting more formulare with stock car racing in the world today. \ Stock car racing is traveling all over the world. It first evolved in America but is now all over the world. There are tons of race tracks being built all over the world for everyone to travel and watch the races.But, in the first years of stock car racing it was not about racing for fun it was about running from the law. The driver would try to race away from a police officer because they had alcohol which was illegal back then.Stock car racing is becoming very important to people and are very interesting in who is going to

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