Stony Brook University: A Short Story

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When I peer my eyes open it takes a second for me to realize that today is the day. Today's the day I finally graduate college, the last day I'm at Stony Brook University. As I sit on my queen size bed, in a house I rented with my friend off campus, I ponder on what has happened, on what I learned and what I achieved this last four years. As I scanned the place I called home for 3 years I can't help but feel bittersweet that I am finally leaving it. I pick up a photo of me and my friends and I feel my eyes water. I remember how nervous and terrified I was during orientation. My mind was filled with so many worries about college, but as I stare into the smiling faces of me and my friends I realized that there was nothing to worry about because …show more content…

"Thank you" I whisper to myself. Two years later I'm still gratful for the receptionist I had met. "Thank you for helping me land a job. I appreciate it." I take the business casual attire and place it into my suitcase making sure the white blouse and the black trousers don't wrinkle. Once I stand back up I notice a piece of paper on the floor. It's the award I got from work. I smile to myself as I trace my name along the document. I was so surpried when I recieved the award and I'm also thankful that someone thought I deserved it. I take the rest of my clothes from the closet and place it neatly into my suitcase. I make remarks along the way like "wow, I can't believe I wore that" and "I wore that to my first social event and I received many compliments" and also "I made that with my friend". I perceive a clear timeline of my college experience through my clothes and I'm glad that if I can't remember college a few years down the line I can always retell my story through the clothes that I wore. "Ruby! It's almost time, we have to make it to LaValle Stadium in 30 minutes so get dressed and stop lookng like you're going to cry. You'll have time later, but right now we're going to graduate" My roommate's screeches from the bathroom. She nags that I have to hurry up. "Okay, I won't take so long" I call