
Story Of Anna Garza Research Paper

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One day in 2006, there was a family that lived in a bad neighborhood on 35th street in Chicago, Illinois. They lived in a two story house. The kids and the mother lived on the upstairs floor and the grandparents lived on the first floor. There were 6 children total and some had different fathers. All of the fathers were no role models and couldn’t really keep a job because they always causing trouble. There was this one child in particular that stood out from the rest of the kids. Her name is Anna Garza and she acted different than the rest, looked different, and liked way different things than the rest of her siblings. She was 5 years old when she figured out she gets treated differently by everyone especially by her father. This is a story about how she goes through her problems and when she gets older more problems that she could handle weighed her down. …show more content…

Her brother and sister always did the wrong thing but didn’t get yelled at and she noticed that. When she did something wrong her dad would spank her multiple times but he didn’t let his other kids find out about it or they just couldn’t ask why he does it. Every time she had to go by her dad’s house she told her mother to lie to him and say she was either sick or just didn’t want to go. She was scared of her dad because she never knew if he would go farther than spanking her with a belt. A few months later he was arrested and Anna and her siblings never went to visit him because their mother didn’t allow it. He was later on sent to New Mexico because he wasn’t legal so he would never be able to come back. He would write to us, draw for us, and call us whenever he can but he stopped after a while. His kids never questioned it because we knew that we wouldn’t like the reason why. Everyone went on with their life, even though it was hard at some

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