
Strategy And Implementation Description

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Strategy and Implementation Description
We will implement the two strategies into two of the three facilities to determine which strategy has the greatest impact on nursing retention, satisfaction, readmission rates, and overall quality of care provided to residents. The first strategy that will be implemented will be increasing the number of rest breaks for nursing staff at one facility. This will require the creation of new policies and procedures regarding rest breaks for the nursing staff to follow. The increased and scheduled rest breaks will need to have prior approval from the corporate office and the administration team. The approval will be obtained through meeting with the administration team and reviewing the proposed policy and procedure including the proposed break schedule. After approval of implementation has been granted. There will be an in-service held for the nursing department to include both staff nurses and the certified nursing assistants. During the in-service, the employees will receive a survey that will assess their current engagement, satisfaction, and overall thoughts regarding their current position within the company. The employees will also receive a schedule for the new rest break …show more content…

A policy and procedure will be created to address the point system utilized to move through the clinical ladder and the minimum years of service required for ladder advancement. This policy will be proposed to and will need approval by the corporate office and the administration team at the facility. The human resources (HR) department will be included in the development and implementation of the clinical ladder to ensure a smooth transition for employees. Once approval for implementation of the clinical ladder has been granted, an in-service will be held to update the nursing staff of how the new policy will impact raises and advancement in the

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