Strengths And Weaknesses Of CBT

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right thing to do. I had to realize that I was also seeing other clients that had minimum belongings, I could not be more helpful to one and not the other. My alternative was to ask my supervisor if there was any money set aside to help her with getting some of the basic necessities that she needed like clothes and a winter jacket. Question 4 Ethical dilemmas dealing with trauma clients can be very difficult. It is hard to relate to the decisions of clients when you have not experienced the same trauma. It is important to keep in mind the ethical approach of self-determination and that the client might choose different options then what yourself thinks is best. What the client is doing might not be the value that you see fits. The client that I was working with decided throughout the program that she wanted to leave and move in with a friend that she had reconnected with. Women in the program could stay for up to eighteen months, expense free, food and childcare provided. I thought that she was acting on …show more content…

CBT is not a technique that I have a lot of familiarity with compared to Strengths based. Strengths based is my go to with a client because when a client is feeling like they are a failure or they cannot accomplish anything pointing out their strengths and successes are very beneficial for them to succeed and gain a positive self-influence. I would have never thought that having the clients cognitively reimagine the rape that they had experienced would be beneficial. Before, I would have thought to almost stay away from that and have the client move on from the experience. But looking at research and studies from other practitioners, when client learn to change their responses when they have triggers of the past rape, this can help when the triggers come unexpectedly, so the client is able to manage