Strengths And Weaknesses Of Instructional Strategies

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In the implementation phase, instructional strategies will be used to generate the instruction. This includes instructional materials as well as assessments. Instructional materials include all types of instructions such as videotapes, students modules, tutors guides, computer-based multimedia layouts and web pages for distance learning.
The last phase includes a series of evaluations. The formative evaluation of instruction consists of three types referred to as one-to-one evaluation, small-group evaluation, and field evaluation. These evaluations are used to collect data to identify how to enhance the instruction. The results of each form of evaluation provide constructive and effective feedback on how to improve the instruction. The next …show more content…

It could be time-consuming. It includes numerous steps and lots of work is done in the design process. Hence it wouldn't be valuable if the instructor doesn't have much time for the design. In this model, learning is non-linear, a criteria that can be considered as a disadvantage. Another weakness of the Dick and Carey model is that it doesn't consider variables. As an example, each year teachers are faced with new students with different prior knowledge therefore the design, implementation, evaluation and revision of a unit done with this model in previous years may not be applicable every year. Any model is subject to criticism. McGriff (2001) criticized the fact that it assumes that learning is based on predictable set of behaviors whereas behavior is not predictable. According to Carliner (2008), the revision process in this model lacks some clarity on how broad it should be. The rigidity of this model doesn't allow room for mistakes. This model gives lots of weight on the objective and therefore, this may restrain the students' capability in developing higher level thinking …show more content…

Despite the analysis and design phases, all other phases can be improved by the use of technology. Technology can significantly enhance stages five and six of the development phase. Since 1995, a variety of instructional media has been used in higher education. The use of internet in education has grown significantly. Internet is an effective tool to promote learning in an unconventional way (Reiser, 2001). While developing assessment instruments, instructors can include online practice tests. Online tests provide reports with data regarding specific skills to inform instruction. Students will benefit from an automatic scoring. Therefore, time is saved and grading is made easier.
Instructional strategies allow students to cooperate, inquire and share through the effective use of technology. A vast array of technological tools can assist in the improvement of instructional strategies. These tools include the multimedia presentations such as video conferencing, communication tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasting and social networking, data collection tools, visual software, instructional games, and e-learning tools (Recesso & Orrill,