Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Banking Industry

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I would frame the banking as an industry that is built on trust. Trust that is reaffirmed by the governments, and regulators. Banks have an imperative role in our economic growth, and development. Correspondingly, without the bank industry, there is no industry to replace them as the conduit for social and economic policy. Equally important, there is no industry to replace them as the key performer in creating our economies multiplier effect. Moreover, I would frame them as an industry that measures their success by ROA and ROE, metrics that is influenced by their ability to buy deposits and sell loans. I could give full SWOT analysis of the banking industry; however I would run out of room. Banks utmost strength is that bank lending has been a significant driver of GDP growth and employment. They are a conduit for social and economic policy. Comparatively, banks have extended in to other areas, which include insurance, loans, investments, real estate and other financial vehicles. Lastly, the final strength is that banks can create money, by using the reserve requirement to their advantage. However, if you have strengths you have weaknesses. One weakness is that, historically banks have lacked innovation. Coupled with customers no longer trusts banks, which equals low customer satisfaction and many banks have low brand recognition (CountyBank). However, Strengths and weakness do changed over time. Banks are finding new ways to create money, the government is forcing banks