Strengths Finder Reflection Paper

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Strengths Finder Reflection My top five strengths are adaptability, relator, maximizer, empathetic and strategic. It was not surprising to confirm my top five strengths because, in my work and social interactions, I find that I love relating with others and yearn to understand their situations and take them in that light. However, I am also a practical person who likes planning and looking at an issue from all perspectives. I, therefore, believe that I strike a balance as I am not rigid, neither am I too spontaneous, but most of all I try as much as possible to deal with a situation on its merit to maximize on positive outcomes. According to the Gallup findings on my Strengths Finder Assessment, I tend to go with the flow and take things as they come (adaptability), and enjoy life and the beauty in it, as well as avoid unnecessary stress for self and others (Gallup). I remember once in a social assignment that I was heading, where I was required to lead a team to come up with ideas on how to improve a church outreach program. As the leader, I wanted everything to work out well in consideration of timeliness, quality, and in involving all team members to feel ownership and participation throughout the process. By identifying these three characteristics (timeliness, quality, and involvement), my strengths of adaptability, strategy, relator, …show more content…

My strengths also tend to make me feel self-reliant in which case I am comfortable working alone to optimize my talents, skills, knowledge, and innovative thirst. It is possible to work successfully in some projects as an independent person, but in most, the insights and contributions of others are paramount, thankfully, I am also relational and have no problem working in

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