Stress Models Of Stress

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1. The phenomenon of stress has been analysed in this chapter in the followings sections: -

(a) Section 1: Basic Definitions.
(b) Section 2: Scientific Approaches (Stress Models) to Studying Stress.
(c) Section 3: Types of Stress.
(d) Section 4: Key Aspects of Stress.

Section 1

2. Basic Definitions.

Stress. The word stress has been borrowed from Physics and Engineering where it has a precise meaning, A Force sufficient enough in magnitude to distort or deform when applied to a system. For our studies the apt definition of stress would be – ‘the rate of wear and tear of the body.’

(b) The Penguin Medical Encyclopaedia defines Stress as any influence, …show more content…

Fred Luthans, Oganisational Behaviour (New York, Mc Graw Hill, 1989), P. 200. 2. ibid P. 207 5

(d) Combat stress. The stresses and strains experienced by a combatant

during a battle. This is the complex and constantly changing result of all the stressors and stress processes inside the soldier as he performs the combat-related mission. At any given time in each soldier, stress is the result of the complex interaction of many mental and physical stressors.

(e) Stressors. The factors that cause stress are called stressors. A stressor is any event or situation, which requires a non-routine change in adaptation or behaviour. Often it is unfamiliar or creates conflict among motives within the individual. It may pose a challenge or a threat to the individual's well-being or self-esteem.

(f) Eustress. Stress can manifest itself in both a positive and a negative way. Stress is said to be positive when the situation offers an opportunity for one to gain something. Eustress is the term used to describe

positive stress. Eustress is often viewed as motivator since in its absence the individual lacks that ‘edge’ necessary for peak performance. This stress comes

because of the over-joy. Fortunately this type of stress is no longer …show more content…

Scientific Approaches to studying stress. The last few decades have seen the evolution of a scientific approach to study stress. Some of the important models are:-

(a) Simple Model of Stress.

(b) Frankenhaeuser’s Response Based Model.

(c) Layman’s Dictionary Model.

(d) Henry Selye’s General Adoption Syndrome (GAS) Model.

(e) Levi and Kagan’s Psycho Social Stimuli Model.

6. Whilst the first four approaches concentrated on the physiological responses of the body, the last is an improvement over them where in psychological responses have also been accounted for. All these Models are based on empirical evidences and hence can not be questioned on rationale alone. And are all related to one another, in fact each built up on the works of the others.

7. A Simple Model of Stress. The simple model of stress shown in fig 1 defines as ‘constraining’ force acting on a person who is trying to cope with this force, exerts or strains himself and feels fatigued or distressed.3


3. Tom Cox, Stress (London, The Mac Millan, press Ltd, 1979), P. 3 7