Strict Code Of Ethics

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This research proposal will be required to adhere to the strict code of ethics associated when conducting research. These principals have been assessed and the possible issues present when conducting the research have been evaluated. The four code of ethics that need to be observed and abided by when conducting social research are the prevention of harm to participants, invasion of privacy, deception and participant’s informed consent. This research proposal regarding physical inactivity, has minimal risk associated with the ethical principles. Of the risks associated, the research will firstly be required to deliver informed consent to each participant. This is administered before conducting the questionnaire and is attached in appendix A …show more content…

This concept of physical activity is the focus of the survey and aims to provide research data of current activity levels and attitudes among Australian adults. In order to capture a snap shot of these areas, the survey has been split into four sections that each cover an individual aspect of analysis. The first section includes demographic questions in order to gain an understanding of the participant’s general demographic information. The survey then moves into the physical activity questions with Part B devoted to personal physical activity amount and duration on a weekly basis, this allows a gauge on participants direct physical activity levels. Part C, includes questions that gauge the sample population’s indirect physical activity levels, this section provides information of participants involvement in indirect activity. Finally, Section D evaluates the personal attitudes of participants towards their undertaking of physical activity. The survey is designed with multiple styles of responses, which provide the highest level of accuracy for data collection, while still maintaining a simple and interesting approach to hold the participant’s …show more content…

This process proved a necessary stage in the development of the finalised survey that is included in Appendix A. By administering the pilot, it allowed any errors within the formatting, direction and questioning of the survey to be highlighted. Upon completion of the pilot survey the feedback allowed small changes to the structure and questioning of the survey too better portray the researchers inquiries, small errors were also amended.
The main structure was deemed appropriate for gaining data on an individual and their personal physical activity and attitude. However, the pilot test highlighted certain lines of questions that were missing in gaining a sufficient level of understanding. This was the case for section one that includes demographic information of the participant and was evaluated as not including extensive questions. This was rectified by adding additional questions that evaluated smoker status, personal health assessment and relationship status. This section also raised issues amongst the pilot testers due to certain question regarding demographic not providing a certain response. This issue was resolved by evaluating each question and amending any question that were not mutually exclusive and/or exhaustive. Additional changes were made to section three regarding daily activity levels and the question structures. It was evaluated that some needed more direct language

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