NAEYC Code Of Ethics Case Study

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After carefully reviewing NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment I first analyzed its Conceptual framework, it sets forth the responsibilities as a childcare personnel & the professional responsibilities of childcare workers including childcare leaders as well the code of conduct framework of professional responsibilities. Furthermore it’s separated into four sections, however each section covers the following area as a professional relationships with any children that personnel come in contact with whether they attend the childcare center or contact during trips & or picking the children up from school, relationships with families in & out of the childcare center, professional relationship among colleagues, and relationships & interactions amongst the community and society.
Each section also includes but not limited to an introduction with the primary responsibilities as an early childhood education practitioner & or personnel regardless of what position the childcare worker may hold in that context. As …show more content…

In I-1.1 of NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Child hood Program Administrators the administrator must ensure that the children’s needs are met first priority in administrative decision making, recognizing that a child’s well-being cannot be separated from that of his/her family. Furthermore although the programs administrator/ owner of the childcare center was fond of the new worker & her taking a picture seemed innocent like a small mistake however the small mistake displaced children & caused turmoil within the twins