Strike 3 You Are Dead Summary

350 Words2 Pages
The title of the book is Strike Three you’re dead. The author is Josh Berk. I do not no the publisher, and I can not find it online. It was published in 2013. There are 250 pages in the book. The book has not won any awards, but was nominated for the Edgar Award for best juvenile. The story takes place in a suburb about 30 minutes out of Philadelphia. The time this story takes place is in the summer time. Lenny tells the story. Their is only 1 main character. Lenny is a kid who is an big Phillies fan. He likes to commentate and wants to be an commentator. There are 5 secondary characters. One character is Other Mike. Other Mike is a nerd. He doesn't like baseball, he likes wizard things. He is one of Lenny's best friends. Famosa is the