
Student Metaphor Analysis

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As with most metaphors, the comparison of students and educators to clients and agents has its flaws. Education is something that cannot be truly quantified or bought. Students are consumers of education, receiving what they put into the transaction, but this transaction is one made without effort. Reminiscent to the old economy of bartering, students trade hard work and effort for knowledge in return. Therefore, I would dislike to be called a common consumer when this analogy isn’t all together true. Students are much more than clients, and educators are much more than agents working for a company. Although this comparison works in some cases, in order to define the relationship in a general fashion, it doesn’t work in all of them. While student’s assumptions fueled this metaphor, the metaphor itself can be used to creatively think about the education system. …show more content…

One of these resources made available through Owens is the Writing Center. While the Writing Center seems to be a great resource, the physical location may not be of much help to me. The location and availability make the physical location something that should be used, but will most likely not be. On the other hand, the handouts available through the website are easily accessible and have near infinite availability. This makes the handouts found on the Writing Center website a better resource than the physical location, at least for me. Another good resource was the reading on composing a thesis, found in The Little Seagull and Pearson Writer. From what I read, a thesis must be specific, and motion towards what will be covered in the essay. The thesis gives a rough outline for the ideas to be discussed in the paper. It should be strong and compact, making sure that it can be supported. A good thesis can lead to a great paper, but to write a paper, a process must be gone

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