Study Guide For Sociology Essay

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UNIT 1 – FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIOLOGY Sociology Study Guide – Ch. 1 Enduring Understanding: Sociology is the science that studies human and social behavior. Concepts: Interaction/Theory Section 1 ( pages 6-13) Key Terms: sociology/sociological perspective/sociological imagination/conformity Section 2 ( pgs. 14 – 22) Key Terms: positivism/social statics/social dynamics/bourgeoisie/capitalist/proletariat/ mechanical & organic solidarity/verstehen/rationalization Match the sociologists with their key ideas/contributions Notes – Beginnings of Sociology Section 3 (pgs. 23 – 31) Key Terms: functionalism/manifest & latent functions/dysfunction/power/symbols/ symbolic interactions How does each one of the three perspectives explain human social behavior? …show more content…

I can compare and contrast the 3 dimensions of social stratification. I can make an analogy between Sociopoly and life. I can give examples of social mobility from my own family. CH. 10- Gender & Age (pgs. 308 - 343) Understanding: Socialization plays a big part in the gender roles of a society. Concepts: Gender/Discrimination Key Terms: gender identity/occupational sex segregation/sexism/age stratification/ageism Section 1 What is the difference between sex and gender? Section 2 How do parents, peers, schools, and media influence gender socialization and gender roles? Section 3 Explain gender stratification and give examples of it in the workplace. What does the term “glass ceiling” mean? What inequalities do women face in terms of jobs, money, politics and law? Section 4 & 5 Why is poverty measured differently for the elderly? What is the economic status of the elderly today? What kind of political power do the elderly have? I can identify examples of gender inequality. I can differentiate between sex/gender/gender roles/gender stereotypes. I can role play an elderly person or caretaker and write about the experience. UNIT 4 – SOCIAL