Discrimination Towards Women In The Workplace Essay

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Discrimination towards women in the workplace is a serious problem today, though many seem to look at it with a blind eye. Discrimination in the workplace can come in many forms; 2 of them being the pay gap and sexual harassment. While many view the pay gap and sexual harassment as a serious problem, others blame the pay gap on women’s lack of ambition and sexual harassment on the way women dress. It is important that we stand up for woman and try to stop discrimination towards them in the workplace.
There is still clear discrimination going on in the workplace towards women today; two of these issues being the gender pay gap and sexual harassment. Women get paid less than men based on their personal life, gender, age, race, and level of education. According to statistics women earn only 80% of what men earn, a pay gap of 20% (Miller). For instance, hispanic/latina women get paid only 54% of what white men earn and african american women get paid 63% of what white men earn. Second, when women have kids their employers assume they will work less so they pay them less. Even when women show up to work often after they have kids, they still get paid less. As you get older the pay gap increases. According to statistics people within the ages of 55-64 have a 74% pay gap (Miller). Women also get sexually harassed at work and when they try to speak up, they face unfair consequences. Women often hide that they were …show more content…

Women are sexually harassed due to the way they dress at work. When women dress in tight or revealing clothing, they are inviting men to sexually harass them (Lennon). The pay gap would decrease if women were more ambitious. Women do not get raises or higher pay because they do not negotiate or even talk to their boss about it. Also, women choose to work less which is why they get paid less. There are many different ways women can prevent harassment in the

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