Substance Use Among Adolescent Offenders Essay

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ubstance use among adolescent offenders and the lack of acknowledgement and treatment they are not receiving is becoming a huge problem people are ignoring. While reading the report on “Substance Use and Delinquent Behavior Among Serious Adolescent Offenders” three factors that came to my attention and explained the cause on drug use and the effect it has on juveniles were, a violent home life, adolescents with poor affect regulation, high levels of environmental stress or depression and the influence of the peer group and/or neighborhood. While all three of these factors are very much important, what we need to now do to is make sure the adolescents are getting the right treatment they deserve to overcome these statistics so in the future they can have a more successful adulthood.

Typically, how the foundation of your family is built effects that you are …show more content…

The influence of your peer group does play a huge factor of substance use. Although many people claim that they are their own person and just because their friends are doing it does not mean they will too; most cases that’s not the outcome. Eventually either two things happen, you get pressured enough and start doing the drugs your friends are or you start hanging with new friends because you realize the bad paths they are going down. Unfortunately as human beings it’s very hard to resist peer pressure, especially in your teens. Also, what happens when you live in a neighborhood where drugs, and violence is all you see? ”…youth who live in high-crime neighborhoods might be introduced to drug use or recruited for criminal activities at a disproportionate rate compared with youth who live in more stable neighborhoods (Edward, Carol and Laurie 2010)”. It makes it harder to end that cycle and start a new one so in most cases people take the easier route and continue doing what everyone else is

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