Essay On Language Differences

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Occasionally strong parent partnerships has always been an important aspect of the early year’s foundation stage and a central aspect of ensuring a child can reach their full potential. The common barriers to participation may overcome to build fantastic parent partnerships, such as parents evenings once a year or feedbacks in the mornings and evenings doesn’t build a strong relationship or give children the confidence, support and stability whereas children or young people would need to be settled fully actively to learn, explore and discover.

Successful parent partnerships are important to ensure that the child gains the most positive early learning experiences. Links is the key during the early years, therefore it is important that practitioners …show more content…

The parents or adults that are learning English as a second or other language may find that it is difficult communicating with their child's teachers. In addition, many Non-English parents experience low self-esteem, culture shock, and misunderstandings. Language difference can confuse parents about their role in education and how to help their children. Parents who do not speak English may not understand newsletters, handouts, or speakers at meetings, however non-English speaking parents wants their child to receive an education that will allow them to have a better future. Even when language differences take place, a teacher's willingness or attempt to speak the home language can deliver care for the parents because the willingness can encourage them to feel comfortable enough to speak in English plus can improve possibilities for communication. In order for the schools or nursery’s to reach beyond these barriers, there needs to be parental involvement applied in the education program. Parents may not speak the same language as the member of staff this can cause not much or no communication and can lead to frustration. This can be overcome by getting the parent to bring someone with them who can help them understand what has been said this may also have to be in written format but a lot of computers these days also have a translation setting of written