Suffering And Unbelief In Dr. Ehrman's Book Of Job

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Dr. Ehrman has a deep void inside that he cannot fill because he attempts to deny that he is a spiritual being created in the image of God. One of the most basic human emotions in the face of blessings is the desire to thank the Giver of those blessings. By denying God’s existence, Ehrman has denied himself the opportunity to be a completely fulfilled human. It is for this reason that I come away from debates such as this one with a heavy heart of pity and sorrow for those who have chosen unbelief (Butt).
This reminds me so much of Job and his situation. His friends never understood the faith that Job had in God. Not until God reviled this to them at the end of the book of Job. Suffering and pain is a terrible thing to go through, no matter …show more content…

I lost my faith with God when I was a teenager. Why? my faith was not grounded deep in God and unbelief seeped in. I was searching for something to fill the void of suffering and I could not explain. It took me years of drinking, smoking and doing things that I am not proud of. Then I finally realized what I was missing was God. After the DUI's, counseling, and two very serious self-evaluations, and the fact my son was asking about God, we went to church on Easter Sunday with my parents when they visited us in Illinois. We never looked back. The void was filled with God. Although I still did not study the Bible as I needed to, I, along with my family, got into a study group with three other families. I learned a lot! We learned so much that we realized the Elders of the congregation where we attended were not leading the congregation in the direction that the Bible tells …show more content…

It is that easy, but people think too much and feel too much. The feelings we have are from God and not ourselves. We will feel good knowing we have salvation through Jesus Christ. We also need to know that we must follow all of God's commandments. This is so important that God made sure that it was documented in the Old and New Testament. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 NKJV). “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15 NKJV). One thing is for sure, sin is deadly to our souls. If we allow the world to come between us and God, we will lose our soul for eternity. Sin leads us to the dark and dangerous places in our hearts and mind. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2