Sugar Subsidy Speeches

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For an interesting and attention grabbing speech, I included a wide variety of rhetorical appeals. I kicked off my speech by calling to the audience using an apostrophe, explaining that subsidies on sugar are not “so nice.” By immediately grabbing the students’ attention, I made them realize the sugar subsidy directly affects them. Next, when describing the purpose of a government, I included both amplification and litotes to reiterate our government’s role as our representation, and the irony behind our “representation” indirectly killing us. To express the idea that our government manipulates poor consumers into purchasing unhealthy foods, I used an aphorism: “The wealthiest are the healthiest.” Following this, I listed some convincing …show more content…

By starting each sentence with “That explains,” I made the audience anticipate what fact came next. Shortly after, I included an antanagoge: “Something that is so bad, tastes so good.” The contrast in this statement made the audience realize that sugar’s long term effects outweigh its taste. After that, I used an aporia when I asked if we should wait or take immediate action on addressing the government sugar subsidy to give the audience incentive to stop supporting manipulative companies. To describe the type of tax we need, I included an epistrophe: “We need a tax, a big tax, and a powerful tax.” I also tried to convince my audience to cut down their sugar consumption by including synathroesmus and meiosis; I used three powerful words to describe the processed food industry, “...cruel, manipulative, and money hungry,” and left out conjunctions when advising the audience not to eat sugar. Finally, I ended my presentation with a simple piece of advice, or diatyposis: “Do not eat sugar.” Rhetorical devices added more interest to my presentation because they mixed up my sentence structure and made by speech unique. These devices emphasized what I said and grabbed the audience's attention when I introduced new ideas or rephrased certain