
Suicide And Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

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Depression and the subcategories of suicide and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) was an interest to me because I struggle with depression and several years ago I use to self-harm. Although, I no longer self-harm anymore I still struggle with depression but over the years I have learned how to cope with it in healthy and more positive ways. What I currently know about depression and NSSI is that depression is more than sadness. Sometimes depression can be feeling numb and unmotivated to do anything, even the things you once loved to do. It can even be a major struggle to just get out of bed in the morning. With NSSI the urge to cut or so self-harm seems to be an outlet for coping even though it is not a healthy way to cope. Self-harm can either be used to evoke feelings when you are feeling numb, or it can seem to be a way to channel out overwhelming emotions. My pre-existing ideas …show more content…

I know that many people will just dismiss depression as being an excuse when the person is struggling to stay motivated while they are depressed. Many people seem to think that depression isn’t real and that people who are suffering from it are just over reacting. I have heard many people say, “just smile” or “be happy” or even “you are alive and breathing you should be grateful and happy about that”. I have also heard people say, “exercising is good for you and will help your depression, just go do that,” what those people don’t seem to understand is that some days it’s a struggle to get out of bed to begin with let alone drag ourselves outside and start working out. When it comes to people who self-harm, I give major sympathy for because I know when people find out that you do that, they say the most horrible things. I have heard people say, “you are doing that just to get attention rather

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