
Summary: A Faith That Matters For Next Year

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Ben Johnson
Mr. Chin
October 10, 2014
A Faith that Matters for Next Year The necessity of study is very important in our culture today. Learning how to interoperate the word of God to give us a better understanding of the Bible, which will lead to us having more confidence to evangelize, ultimately leading to more people coming to Christ. Studying the Bible is important because usually when people read the Bible, they tend to just read it and not understand or study it. God calls us to understand and follow the Bible. James 1: 23-25 states, "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. …show more content…

Relativism from the Christian perspective is wrong because its acting in the way that is right for you. They say that some things could be correct for you but wrong for others. Many non believers agree with this because they don’t want to try and make a decision that is the right thing in their own life. The worlds standards and their perspective on this issue is right according to them. According to their presuppositions, they don’t believe in a God which allows for their action to act the way that they want. Relativism sounds right according to them because of their presuppositions. John Piper preached a sermon, "The Challenge of relativism" in which he broke down relativism in seven effects. They are, Relativism commits treason, Relativism cultivates duplicity, Relativism conceals doctrinal defection, Relativism cloaks greed with flattery, Relativism cloaks pride with the guise of humility, relativism enslaves people, and finally relativism leads to brutal totalitarianism. The first of his seven effects is Relativism commits treason. Piper was saying that relativism is going against the reality of God. God is the standard that we have for truth, and we measure ourselves up to him because he is the standard. Relativism states that there is no standard of truth and falsehood. This commits treason against God. Treason is defined as the action of betraying someone or something. James 2:10-11 shows us Gods law and how it relates to the dynamics of treason. It states, "Whoever keeps the whole law buy fails in one point has become accountable for all of it." James connects our own relation to God's law, and his law with our relation with God himself. The second point that Piper made was Relativism cultivates duplicity. Piper talks about everyone actually knows in his heart that relativism is contradictory. The people that also

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