Summary: In The Trenches With Poverty

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Assignment 3--In the Trenches with Poverty
1. In what way does Taylor use the "stone" in the Lazarus story as a metaphor? Taylor uses the stone in the Lazarus story as a metaphor for barriers in the way of people stuck in poverty. To him the “stone” could be “…lack of a safe, decent, affordable place to live, or successful medical treatment, or access to transportation and affordable day care. The stone is something the community must roll away” (Taylor, 2008, p. 45).
2. Can you identify the Synoptics, Analytics, Activists and Antinomians in these pages? Shirley Brice Heath would be an Analytic as evidenced by her research in Way with Words. Tom Lewis started the Finishing School and he is a Prophetic Activist, for he got involved to change …show more content…

In discussing transformation Taylor talks about Elizabeth O’Conner’s book, INWARD JOURNEY, OUTWARD JOURNEY. How do the two journeys differ from one another? The Inward Journey is the struggle between the two sides of every person for example, our generous side and our withholding side. Everyone has the internal struggle of what they should do and what they want to do. The Outward Journey on the other hand is the work of transforming the institutions, structures, and adverse conditions in the world.
7. How does the Inward Journey show up as an Outward Journey (public change)? Once one goes through the Inward Journey and decides to do what is right and generous it will then spill over into the public arena where one will work for the betterment of others. A heart determined to help will help by all means whether by charity or some other form of help and thus the Outward Journey has been affected.
8. How does Taylor say deprivation leads to either despair or magic? According to Taylor African American males could identify with rebellious peers in making up their own rules, or these same youths could switch to the thinking in which they fantasize getting a big contract to play in the NBA.
9. What different alternative does Taylor suggest to despair or magic? The only alternatives to despair or magic is authentic religious teaching and