Summary: Is Torture Effective When Countering Terrorism

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This research project will examine if the United States Government should revert back to torture in order to counter terrorism. It is an important area to research since terrorism is an ongoing problem worldwide and it effects humanity. I wanted to focus my research on three questions. Question one: what is the legal definition of torture. Question two: what are different forms of torture used to combat terrorism? Question three: is torture effective when countering terrorism? The United States definition is very broad compared to the United Nations definitions. Through the United States Senate report on torture, I was able to find out which torture techniques the United States used while torturing. These techniques included rectal feeding and rehydration, confinement in a box, the use of cold water, …show more content…

The United States definition of torture is very broad and can be interpreted loosely. With the United States broad definition of torture, this leaves room for the technique to be abused and not used primarily to gather information to combat terrorism. It seems as though these methods were borrowed from some Hollywood movie during the mid-evil times. And evil they are!
What are different forms of torture used to combat terrorism? Techniques which can be described as nothing less than barbaric. There are many different forms of torture including but not limited to rectal feeding and rehydration, confinement in a box, the use of cold water, waterboarding, beating and threats, stress positions, sleep deprivation, forced nudity, and restricted diets. Methods perceived by any sane, rational, or civilized individual as pure evil. I will define and discuss each torture