Summary Of Chapter 1s And 0s The Art And Politics Of Digital Sampling

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In this week reading, Katz chapter 7 “ Music in 1s and 0s the art and politics of digital sampling” I found it to be very interesting how digital sampling has had a big effect in the music world. Digital sampling is basically “a type of computer synthesis in which sound is rendered into data, data that in turn comprise instructions for reconstructing that sound”( Katz, pg. 147). Meaning that digital sampling can manipulate sound waves to the littlest of detail. Its an advantage in creating music because you can change the tempo, the pitch, you can cut, paste, looped the sound. Another thing that you can do is remove the noise from old recording to make the recording sound better. Digital sampling can have many positive effects to either improving music or creating music. Another section that I liked reading about was pieces that had the use of digital sampling. For example, the piece Notjustmoreidlechatter, without technology this piece wouldn’t be able be created since the uniqueness of this …show more content…

However, with the use of someone else music without their permission it can lead to illegal copyright issue. After reading The US Copyright reading, it’s intense how much dedication it’s put for a song to be recognized as yours, you go through an application process, either online or paper. It was interesting to learn the rules of copyright and what is consider your work and not. It’s also interesting to learn that an ownership of a song can be transfer to another person. Usually many DJ’s, producers or amateurs get away to getting samples because of the use of the Internet. This might be a negative thing, however technology gives people the advantage of making their own music with the use of Internet and programs, so even people who aren’t musicians can have the ability to create

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