
Music: The Rolling Stones

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Research Paper The topic that this paper is going to be about is The Rolling Stone. The Rolling Stones were a very popular group in the 2000’s. The Rolling Stones are a rock band from London, England in 1962. The band was one of the well know music bands back then and even today still. The main musicians of the group were: Brain Jones, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts, and Lan Stewart. According to one research article “The Rolling Stones, having outlasted all their 1960s contemporaries, continue to belt out hits well middle age”. “The Rolling Stone already had two albums out in England by the time they broke the U.S. Top 10 with “The last Time”, written by Jagger and Richard. Music and the Arts are a huge part of …show more content…

The type of music that The Rolling stones are is Rock and Blues music. They are quiet similar to The Beatles, but not by a lot. The Rolling Stones were from London, United Kingdom and were more well known in people knowing them. Their two most common songs that people know are Start Me Up, Miss You, and Beast of Burden all by The Rolling Stones. These songs are more world – wide known by Americans. Music is a huge impact in our world and in Humanities. Everywhere we go there is all different types of music playing from rock, country, and classical and even more types. Listening to music helps us understand the true meaning behind the music and the culture part of the music. According to Felton, “Music can be found everywhere in our world. It helps people find themselves, and helps them through hard times that we all face in our lives” (Felton) Music is a door to freedom for most people. But, it’s also a relaxing technique for artists when they are painting their artwork. Painting a picture is very changeling without a way to be focus and are on track while painting a picture. There are all different ways to make art. Artists can make art by painting, photography, clay making, and free drawing. Art and Music are a very unique way of expressing what you are thinking and wanting to …show more content…

The Rolling Stones are known for such a successful time together. The band broke up in 2013. When the most popular band broke up the world was disappointed and shocked that The Rolling Stones broke up. There were many questions going around why they broke up. According to Crystal Bell from HUFFPOST says “According to The Mirror, the band is set to retire from performances after their first – and only – headlining glg at the famous U.K. musical festival”. She also states “The Rolling Stones last tour together, 2005’s “A bigger Bang”, was, at the time, the highest – grossing tour of all time before being topped by U2’s 2009- 2011 tour, 360.” People had a big argument when the band was breaking up that they were retiring or a member of the group dropped out. There were so many myths the local news back then and people started. According to the e-Book THE ROLLING STONES: A MUSICAL BIOGRAPHY “The Stones’ music during this period reflects this continual growth and reshaping of the musical form. This can be seen in the changes in their albums from December’s Children in 1965 to After-math in 1966 to Between the Buttons in 1967”. Richard Havers author from The Rolling Stones First Tour states “In early 1963, when The Rolling Stones began gigging seriously, they played in and around London, at mostly clubs and pubs. In the middle of July, they

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