
Summary Of Double Consciousness And The Veil

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Stating the ideal woman who takes part in the workforce must work what is known as the second shift at home. Two theories alike in name and ideology do not necessarily illustrate the same underlying structure. For Dubois consciousness is something that is a natural occurrence that will always have a split. There is no way to deny the feeling of two-ness felt by African American because it is one that is not hidden from the world.Genuinely Dubois believes that this blatant refusal to recognize the inequalities present is due to the “vast veil” that has been created by society to shut the African American people out from the land of opportunities afforded by the white people with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. For Dubois …show more content…

If it is not one thing it is another a classic clique that is put up to the test in both of these works. In saying this it can be concluded that the limitations of these two theories can be seen in what the choose to exclude and include in their initial arguments. The terminology used in Dubois uses in his writings suggests that he excludes the idea that there is no fix for inequalities found in the black community. Fitting with his definition of Double Consciousness as a natural happening there can certainly there can be cases where injustices can not be made just. He goes as far as to end his piece stating”the negro problem in the spiritual striving of the freedmen's son is the travel of souls whose burden is almost beyond the measure of their strength but who bear it in the name of a historic race in the name of this the land of their father father and in the name of human opportunity”(Dubois,1973,p.68). In this quote Dubois is attempting to convey the feeling of inspiration felt in a well rehearsed verse in the African American church, No weapon forged against me shall prosper Isaiah 57:17(kjv) and the Lord will not put more on me than I can bear the words to a well known spiritual sung in many worship services. In using this Dubois expresses unintentionally that no matter the inequalities and injustices that are present in the world as a result of this feeling of inherited twoness. We can over overcome if African Americans force themselves ahead. Neglecting those who for whatever reason do not have the means to push themselves beyond the world that they find themselves in. Similarly Providing an understanding of the separation self as the bifurcation of Consciousness in her writing of the ‘Women's Perspective as a Radical Critique of Sociology” . Smith argues that this divide is present in the

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