Summary Of Escape From The Western Diet

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Michael Pollan’s article “Escape from the Western Diet” has provided the knowledge on effects of consumption of western diets which is mostly a processed food and the benefits of consuming a wholesome food which is farm fresh. In contrast, David Freedman’s article “How junk food can End Obesity” compares the nutrition level and healthiness of wholesome and processed food and also discusses the obesity issues and how to tackle it through the proper diet.
According to pollan, the nutritionist or scientist published many theories on food which leads to chronic diseases, but such theories are not used to make a healthy diet, instead it has used by food industry and medical community to improve their profit margin. Pollan suggested that to prevent …show more content…

He suggested that the nutrient content does not matter, if the food is unprocessed and coming directly from farm then it is healthy for consumption. Pollan suggested that to solve the problem we should go to its root cause. The food grew in the farm should be healthy. If the land is healthy and free from harmful chemicals then it will produce a healthy food. That food should not be processed and can be consumed wholesomely. Through this way we can avoid processing of food and we will automatically follow the healthy diet which comparatively equal to ancestors’ diet. People love western diet because it is fast, cheap and easy, which makes the food unhealthy for consumption, unlike aboriginals has used to spend more time in producing food which turns out to be healthy. Pollan proposes three rules – 1. Eat Food, 2. Not too much, 3. Mostly plants. First rule states that avoid food that make health claims. It means the food should …show more content…

He urges that processed food has refined the fresh farm which makes it healthier to eat by removing excess fats and problem carbs. Freedman opposes the news that processed food are only reason for sickly and overweight, the processed food uses scientific engineering to create a food which contains more fat, sugar and salt results into obesity.Freedman argues that despite going back to natural, wholesome food there is no improvement in the health of the obese. They are still suffering from overweight and this wholesome change are not helping obese. Freedman opposes the wholesome market, which claims that they provides healthy food but in reality these food chains uses more oil, butter and other products which contains more fat and they are unhealthy to eat. Freedman proposes that many fast food chains are taking step towards reducing fat and problem carbs from the food. They are researching the new dishes to provide less calorific food to obese. Freedman consider obesity is a big health issue among americans. The amount of calories are high in fat compare to carbs and proteins, but the processed food such has refined carbs contains less calories, this refined carbs converts into glucose and mixed with blood. Freedman refutes the pollan claim that aboriginals are healthy because they eat farm fresh food by giving an example of examination of ancient humans in Egypt, peru