
Summary Of Everything Bad Is Good For You By Steven Johnson

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Has technology helped society, or has it ruined it? Technology has advanced quickly over the past few decades, and it has had a heavy impact on popular culture. New technology has enhanced both video games and television shows. However, these new forms of media have come with some controversy. Several people believe that video games and television shows have actually dumbed down society, but Steven Johnson is not one of those people. Steven Johnson is a very successful author/TV presenter who has presented numerous books and television shows. His work seems really interesting, and he has been very successful in his career. One of Johnson’s prosperous books is “Everything Bad Is Good For You”, which talks about his argument about how the …show more content…

Johnson is a trustworthy author who has written numerous books about the content and effects on media. Most of his work is about how the new technological advances change the world, and some of his books have been honored as a best selling book. Not only is Johnson a popular science author, but he is also a media theorist and a television presenter as well. He studies the effects the media has on society and portrays it through books/television shows. He has even been nominated for an Emmy! Without his experience with the media, Johnson’s argument about how society benefits from pop culture would be useless and ineffective. His argument would be very hard to believe and unsuccessful. However, Johnson has been working with the media for years! Johnson clearly knows what he’s talking about, and he deserves to argue about the media. He also has plenty of credibility in his argument, and he fills the Ethos appeal perfectly. Steven Johnson’s strong Ethos appeal causes his argument to be …show more content…

Johnson included various different charts and graphs throughout the book. For example, he compares the old television shows with newer shows using a graph. The chart compared the shows’ narratives and their time running. The old television shows and new shows had the same runtime, but their threads and amount of subplots differ. An old show like Starsky and Hutch usually had just one plot throughout the story, while a new show like The Sopranos had numerous subplots in them. These various subplots would cause the reader to use their heads and think deeply about what’s coming next. Johnson proves that the new technology is making society smarter by comparing different television shows from different eras using charts. Johnson continues to show the readers charts and graphs to further prove his argument, and they are very effective. Without the charts and graphs, Steven Johnson’s argument wouldn’t be as persuasive and logical because he would be making random claims without anything to back them up. But the charts and graphs do show evidence about how society has advanced from the new technology in pop culture. The charts and graphs also support Johnson’s use of the Logos appeal. He has already given various examples about how video games’ and television shows’ change helped society, but the charts

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