
Summary Of Exile By Abundio

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When I looked and skimmed this book at the first time, I thought it was ordinary popular novel just like other books and I didn’t think it would be related to Mexican revolution. Surprisingly, when I read it carefully, all stories are based on people living under the dictatorship of Mexican revolution. Personally, this book is not easy to read, because even though the genre of the book is fiction, it has narrative point of view which keep switching narrator. However, it is interesting to see different point of views from different narrators. First of all, the book starts with Juan Preciado’s point of view, having learned from his mother at the time of her death the identity of his father, sets out to meet him. Next, the point of view changes …show more content…

The opening and ending scenes with Abundio not only showed how he has evolved but also leads to some clues about a variety of themes, one being the sins of the father. In the beginning of the story, Abundio describes his father Pedro Paramo as “living bile” (6). Bile is a fluid that is produced by the liver. When the story was at its closing stages with Abundio being drunk, and Rulfo says “He walked to the side of the road and vomited something yellow as bile” (122). To me, the word “bile” being mentioned in the beginning and end of the story is that Abundio had part of his father in him. The reader might thought of Abundio as a good guy but I was wondering if he is really a good guy. He and his father Pedro were both corrupt men. As for Abundio vomiting bile like fluids in the end of the story, to me, iit represented that he was in a position where he had performed a sin from the father. Pedro Paramo was always a part of Abundio and impacted his life in a negative way because of his father’s …show more content…

The Mexican Revolution was not talked a lot in the book but it played a huge role. To grasp a better understanding of the time and place of where the story was taking place, the reader must know some knowledge about the revolution and if not, research is recommended. So what I did is, research how dictatorship in Mexico and who was President Porfirio Diaz. I’m guessing Rulfo slightly reflect President Diaz to Pedro Paramo. Pedro Paramo owns most of Comala and its land. He plans on staying in power of the village and being the supreme powerful man everyone must depend on in the town. During the Mexican Revolution the people of the middle class and social lower classes become highly upset with the President Porfirio Diaz because it became extremely hard for these lower classes to move up in the social pyramid. But as for Pedro Paramo having President Porfirio in office would benefit Pedro greatly. The reader receives clues from the novel that Pedro Paramo is indeed concerned about the Mexican

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