Summary Of Heaven Is Paved With Oreos '

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My book is Heaven is Paved with Oreos, By Catherine Gilbert Murdock. Summary: Sara Zorn is an average 14-year-old girl. She’s smart, funny, awkward, shy. Sara has a crush on her best guy-friend, Curtis Schwenk, but doesn’t realize it, saying she isn’t a “boy-liker”. She and Curtis are teased often about dating but have a plan to combat the nagging. They call it, the, “Brilliant Outflanking Strategy”. The duo pretends to date, and aren’t bothered by peers about their status. Everybody thinks they are dating, even Sara’s parents. Sara is currently planning to spend the summer being Curtis’s fake girlfriend, and help watch Boris, Curtis’s deceased cow’s body rot for their school science fair next fall. Her plans take a sharp turn when