Summary Of Jealousy By Andrew Bolt

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Following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s departure from the royal family, they have received heavy criticism, accrued due to popular belief being that while they stated privacy as being the reason behind this split they continued to remain in the public eye and produce content, with Meghan Markle receiving the brunt of the blow. Contrary to this, in his opinion piece entitled “Royal crisis shaking the monarchy all about jealousy” Andrew Bolt contends in a contemptuous and disgusted tone that Prince Harry, motivated by jealousy and a desire for revenge, was chiefly responsible for the couple’s separation from the royal family. Published on the 5th of January 2023, Bolt addresses an audience of conservative monarchists, as indicated by his …show more content…

By structuring his argument in this fashion, it addresses the perspective of his opponents, while simultaneously dismissing its validity. Instead of leaving the audience to wonder if Bolt has considered the perspective of his opponents, Bolt positions the audience to view him as not only examined his opponents’ argument but also as having disproven it entirely. Using a mocking, sarcastic tone, Bolt initially refers to Harry as “a poor dope”. This conjures an image of a foolish and ignorant person who has no actual idea of what is happening around him and implies to the audience that Harry is perceived as a victim due to his stupidity and lack of awareness. Bolt highlights this perception by referring to Meghan Markle as a “Lady Macbeth”, using this pop culture reference to Shakespear’s popular play to imply that Markle is viewed largely as a manipulator who is behind most of Harry’s actions. Subsequently, Bolt dismisses this perception as an “old, sexist game of blame-the-witch”, encouraging his audience to view his challenging of this assumption as making him morally superior and his argument as more valid by association. Bolt goes on to say that Harry is not a “lost boy … he’s 38 when men are meant to be men”. This dismissal of Harry as immature and childish combined with Bolt’s use language such as “mewling” conjure an image of a babyish, wailing child. This, contrasted against Prince Harry being an adult, encourages the audience