
Summary Of Relationships By Ted Sawchuck

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The article I chose to read and summarize is Relationships 2.0: Dating and Relating in the Internet Age, written by Ted Sawchuck. In the article the author is more focused on the new transformation of how people these days meet and start relationships and the process of doing so, out with the old fashion one on one and in with the new wave of social media and the internet. Such social media sites include Facebook, Instagram and many more, but Ted focuses on Facebook mainly. He describes how to get to know someone you’re interested in, without ever seeing or speaking to the person of interest face to face. He speaks about looking at the person's Facebook profile first, then if there’s a possible connection felt, he will then search Google and …show more content…

Another, people do not share everything about themselves on the Internet; they only portray the image they want to. This misleading information may is what we now call "Catfished". This allows them to lie about themselves on Facebook and make themselves sound like someone they would want to be and not what or who they really are.
Not all people are out to scam others; one great example I can say that I have witnessed was when my 21 year old daughter encountered a client at a mental hospital she worked at and was starred struck by this new male client. I warned her and was very nervous and skeptical of all the things that he could be or could go wrong, but being a young adult and needing to learn these lessons through her trial and error, by the end of the day when he got released; my daughter had befriended him on Facebook. That was all it took to spark up conversation and then they eventually met, it took off from there. They both started out honest and have continued that throughout their relationship. My daughter was just ending another social media relationship that was absolutely awful for her, as he was definitely not who he portrayed and was a user. I knew from the moment she mentions this new client to me that she was going to pursue him, no matter what I said to her or tried to warn her about. Surprisingly they have got together, worked out each other’s personal issues as a team and have stayed together to this day, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better personality wise for her, I absolutely adore

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