Summary Of The Article 'The Single Most Important Reason'

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Summary: The Single Most Important Reason

I found the article “The single most important reason why online marketing is more important than ever”, written by Nicole Leinbach-Reyhle and published on the 16th of June 2015 on (, after initial search on Google, followed by extensive search on Forbes’ website with several key terms related to online marketing.

The article deals with the importance of online marketing for small businesses. It is stated that many small businesses do not use online marketing due to the fact that they believe it is expensive, time-consuming and unnecessary. However, most customers spend a great deal of their time online and on social media, enabling businesses to communicate with them and to track relevant data. Moreover, engaging in online marketing is not time-consuming anymore, allowing businesses to work effectively online as well as offline.
All in all, small businesses must engage in online marketing in order to gain visibility, connect with customers and to be successful.

I have chosen this source because Forbes, as well as, is popular for publishing business, finance and …show more content…

Everyday knowledge is built on personal experience, authority and tradition, therefore, it can result in inaccurate observations, overgeneralizations, illogical reasoning and selective observation. Scientific knowledge, however, is gained by collecting and interpreting data systematically, i.e. based on logical relationships, and using objective and precise language. In contrast to everyday knowledge, scientific research, the process of gaining scientific knowledge, is conducted in order to find things out, increase one’s knowledge and to resolve the mistakes of human perception and