Diary Of A Young Girl Anne Frank Essay

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The Diary of a Young Girl is a series of journal entries written by a Jewish girl named Anne Frank. She’s Jewish and she’s a young girl living in Holland during the Second World War. The Diary is a compilation of entries that speak about her life during that time. It speaks about the tough times she had to face just because she was Jewish. The diary speaks about her as a human being, as a teenager and also as a Jew. She speaks about so many problems she’s facing as an individual and as a whole with other Jews. The diary gives us an insight about her world and about her troubles. It speaks in volumes about her maturity and how thoughtful and conscious she was about what was happening in her country. At the beginning of the diary, she’s so naïve …show more content…

Those concentration camps were feared by everyone. If you were sent there and did not go your entire family would have been taken prisoner by the Nazi police. That’s what happened to Margot, Anne’s older sister. Fortunately, Otto Frank, their father had a hiding place to go to. Everyone had to pack their things and go. Everything was horrifying. Anne’s life was very tough and fearful. Even though they were going through all of that. Anne still thought positive things and had hope. You can see that she’s hopeful for the future and that’s truly something we should admire. Her life was full of surprises. Like she said, she was lucky. Her life was a blessing and helped future generations learn more about the Holocaust and the War. She’s very optimistic and overall cheerful. Though I’m saddened to hear that she was not able to express her true self to others. Many times, us teenagers, feel like this. She should have lived a long, prosperous life but she didn’t. May her words give us the power to change the course of humanity for the better; so fifteen-year-olds don’t have to die in concentration camps in name of a war they had nothing to do