
Summary Of The Great Gatsby Quest

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Chapter 1 Five aspects of a quest are the quester, a place to go, a reason to go there, and obstacles they must overcome. 1. The quester is J Gatsby, a wealthy and lonely man who lost the woman he loved while he was gone at war. 2) Gatsby buys a mansion across a lake from Daisy, the woman he loves. He sees her mansion across the lake. 3) He goes there so he can become closer to her and re connect with her. 4) the challenges he faces are that she is married and that he must meet her again. 5) His reason to is that daisy’s husband is mad at him. Gatsby does not leave in time and is killed by the husband of the woman he is accused of running over. Chapter 2 Throughout history eating a meal together has been used to bond people together. Food has a way to bring people together because everyone has to eat and everyone loves to eat a good …show more content…

In the move 300 when the Spartans are preparing for the attack by the massive Persian army a storm comes and pushes ships from the Persian Navy into the shore and aiding the Spartans in the defense of their city. The Spartans believed that it was their God that caused the storm to weaken the Persian military. They believed that it was their God telling them that defending their freedom was the right thing to do and that gave them an extra push that they desperately needed. The weather was a sign to keep going. Chapter 11 Violence can have different effects in different works of literature. In Lone Survivor violence is used to defend freedom. In A Boy in Striped Pajamas the effect of violence takes away freedom. Hitler would round up Jews and people that opposed them and put them into massive concentration camps where he used fear and violence to oppress them. In Lone Survivor it is just the opposite, four Navy Seals are using violence to protect people and defend freedom by killing the people who are killing innocent people and trying to take away freedom around the world. Chapter

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