Summary Of The Seventh Man Haruki Murarakami

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Imagine you lost your best friend at such a young age and this situation put you in a horrific position in life. Haruki Murakami the narrator from The Seventh Man has a lot to share about this tragic situation. In the short story The Seventh Man Haruki Murakami the narrator experiences the same horrific moments. It is true that the seventh man did not intend to cause k’s death. The seventh man should forgive himself because his actions were not the best but his intentions were not bad either. It is also not healthy for the seventh man to carry guilt on for his whole life and by carrying this guilt he did not have the life he wished to have. First of all, the narrator should forgive himself because The seventh man felt like a protector towards K. For example,( Para 9) pg 6 states “ Ever since I could remember, my best friend was a boy I’ll call K. His house was close to ours, and he was a grade behind me in school. We were like brothers, walking to and from school together, and always playing together when we got home”. This shows that the seventh man and K were really close friends before his death. Furthermore, (para 9) “ we never once fought during our long friendship. I did have a brother, six years older, but what with the age difference and differences in our personalities, we were never very close. My real …show more content…

Although it may seem like the seventh man should not forgive himself because it was his decision to go down to the beach while the storm was still going on, ultimately, he should forgive himself because he had good intentions, he tried to shout out to K to save his life, and he also regretted it enough until he was a middle aged man. The seventh man never really grew close to someone after the death of his best friend K. A lesson learned from the seventh man could be never hold your regrets because if you feel this pain for such a long time things in your life could disappear in a matter of