Summary Of The Wild Of Education

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In Bruni’s discussion, a controversial issue that has been addressed is that education should provoke thought. In “The Wild of Education”, most of the classroom student will readily agree that education should provoke thought that causes growth. The purpose of this is that education has to educate, not shelter. School editing of content is happening to student comfort instead of education, and promotes the avoidance of struggle and failure. The author believes that education should be less sheltered because this will make student growth larger and bolder as opposed to sheltering them by banning books which will slow that growth. . I care about this paper because I agree that as a student's education is important and give me knowledge of …show more content…

Stereotype threat is a well- known effect where reminding a member of a stereotyped group of their membership in the group, but not the stereotype itself depresses the standardized test scores of students in that group for example, putting a demographic question at the start of a standardized math test asking the gender of test takers depresses the scores of females relative to a control group that was not asked. The effect shows up for another group as well. Since standardized test is supposed to be standard as in result from test taker should be directly comparable it is of the utmost importance to eliminate questions that induce stereotype threat. Or we could give up on a standardized test since what on earth could you ask a question about that would not possibly trigger stereotype threat in someone and rely on highly professional …show more content…

Bruni seemss approachable and caring about education and wants education to grow bolder and stronger. I think Bruni ignores the opinions of the other and also not all people well educated some may be agreed with Bruni but anothers may not. Also, Bruni seem well- informed, fair-minded, and willing to deal with evidence from all sides, he makes it clear when he argues that censoring the ugliness of the world is important in education and there is a current trend of education editing content to the comfort of students because districts are banning books and attaching trigger