Summary Of The World Is Flat By Thomas L. Friedman

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In the video Thomas L. Friedman briefly explains what his first three chapters of his book The World is Flat are about. Since Christopher Columbus set sail for India in 1492, the world is slowing getting smaller according to Friedman. First, the countries started globalizing for land, then companies globalizing for markets and labors, and now individuals or small groups are globalizing themselves in the world. The tools that individuals and small groups using for globalizing themselves are the ever increasing growing technologies, specifically, computers and the internet. Anyone is capable of plug and play can get access to vast amount of information and get work done quickly in real time. What companies are adapting to and Friedman identifies as the Ten Forces of Flatteners help each other out and create this inflection point in this brief history of the 21st century. For instance, companies are starting to outsource jobs oversea to keep their services up and running 24/7. UPS who …show more content…

I totally get the part where many people can plug and play these days but it’s not most of the people out there. Many people still don’t have internet access and computer uninformed. However, the situation is getting better and if I have to guess, in the future almost everyone on Earth will become computing educated. However, being computer literate does not mean having the ability to get the internet. Developing countries getting the internet is not hard but the situation is not like Friedman describes, “Every color of the rainbow will be able to enter the workforce…they’re hungry for your jobs”, It’s overly exaggerated. In order for Friedman’s vision to come true, many things have to happen first. For instance, how to get the internet cheaply available for the masses, what languages the schools have to teach children growing up in their native country, how oversea income is cooperating with native governments,