
Summary Of Three Skeleton Key

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One’s outlook on a situation often affects the outcome. For example, in the story “Three Skeleton Key” written by George Toudouze, the fates of the main characters are heavily determined by their reaction to problems. The character Le Gleo’s approach to problems was pessimistic, he often jumped to conclusions and was easily frightened. This later sealed his fate later on, when he eventually lost hope and went insane. Even in the start of the story, Le Gleo is much weaker than the other men in the mind. This is shown when he reacts the the mysterious ship by panicking and asking if it is a mythical ship that could never exist. On page 51, it reads,“What do you mean, chief? Le Gleo had started, turning to the Basque. “Are you saying that she’s the Flying Dutchman?”” Instead of staying calm and sensible, this shows Le Gleo jumps to conclusions. Once again, but this time on page 52 as the ship begins to slightly turn he immediately decides that it will depart. As he waves to the ship and smiles, the other men watch more closely and sees that the ship is turning back towards Three Skeleton Key. Moving on, a few days after the rats surrounded the lighthouse, Le …show more content…

Perhaps it was from fear or the belief that he and the other men would be eaten alive by rats, but he sat on the floor, babbling about skeletons. The other men were in bad shape with fever, infection or unconscious but none of them were losing their minds or as fearful of the rats as Le Gleo was. The men were saved from the rats and brought to a hospital, but it was too late. “Well, Le Gleo’s mind was raving mad. They sent him back to France and locked him up in an asylum, the poor devil!” It reads on page 59. Perhaps it was his outlook on all their problems that caused him to face his horrible fate. For instance, the confident narrator survived, and although Itchoua later died from a rat’s bite, his calm and sensible outlook kept him from going

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