
Summary Of To Err Is Wrong By Roger Van Oech

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Knowledge is Power
Knowledge can be acquired in many ways. Some may think studying hard and being well prepared will allow for minimum mistakes throughout life. While others believe learning through trial and error is the best way to acquire knowledge. In the short article “To Err is Wrong.” The writer Roger van Oech speaks about the benefits of learning from our mistakes and turning them into a positive and more productive outcome. I too believe that in most situations as an adult, failure is a part of life and as growing as a person. In grades K- 12, I believe failure is not acceptable. van Oech writes, “we learn to be right as often as possible and keep our mistakes to a minimum.” (87). I think teachers and parents should not allow students to fail. At this time in life, it is very necessary to gain basic knowledge that will be built upon later in life. Not being able to fail as an adolescent gives them discipline and stability, which is much needed at a young age. I also think we should take full advantage of their learning capabilities since …show more content…

The co-founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of an Ivy League college to pursue his dream of expanding the newly founded social networking site. Some might have perceived that as a failure. He left college on a dream instead of staying and finishing school. To our surprise Facebook has turned into a multi-billion-dollar business. Like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs also dropped out of college. He later founded the company Apple and it is also a multi-billionaire business. Von Oech writes, “Innovators may not bat a thousand times-far from it-but they do get new ideas” (90). Although dropping out of school may be viewed as an awful risk to take, in these two circumstances those risks paid off and were necessary for the development of those companies. Sometimes huge victories can come from what others may feel is a

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