Summary Of Top Cop For Chief Fortier Of Riverside Police Department

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I chose Top Cop for Chief Fortier of Riverside Police Department. This style emphasizes the internal role, but focuses more on leading than managing. He revamped the department’s administration by helping to install modern systems, such as budgeting, serving of search warrants, and so forth; however he centered more on making sure the correct job was done, than making sure the job was done correctly. Furthermore, he was heavily involved in police operations and commanded the work but did not make sure it was carried out. He made little effort to express his support for the troops and include them in his decision making; Nevertheless, he paid attention to small details; for example, when an officer had a crack in his gun, Fortier ordered new …show more content…

Fortier was strong on basic operations, such as cost-cutting measures and reducing the size of the patrol fleet. He included Riverdale Police Officer Association in command staff meetings; he made frequent appearances at roll calls and in ride-alongs. In this style, the chief can be liked and respected or resented if a lack of confidence in the subordinates is displayed. Fortier promoted internally who he felt was good enough; he promoted externally who he felt had the qualities his staff lacked; which made the officers believe he did not think they were suitable. Furthermore, if the areas that lack interest and excitement are neglected; it can become problematic. Fortier neglected management, which caused chaos and staff, was more disorganized and less efficient; it became personal. Lastly, this style can spend more time on external relations, which will unavoidably isolate a few people. One problem Fortier inherited was a lack of communication between city government and the department; notwithstanding, he made repeated statements to the press regarding the quality of Riverside Police Department (Cordner, …show more content…

Also, both styles expressed what is necessary for police improvement. Furthermore, although, the effect on external relations is harder to predict in top cop, both styles will experience a certain degree of backlash if they exclude the external sources and interfere with the relationships of the officers and the community. The two styles differ for the reasons the administrator emphasizes the managing aspect s and manifestations of that role; but, top cop focuses more on leading than on managing. The administrator concentrates on the police organization (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling), while the top cop is heavily involved in police operation (giving out orders and being in the spotlight on the more high profile investigations). Top cops are more likely than administrators to be liked and respected by police employees, depending heavily on their operational abilities, however in the case of Chief Davis and Chief Fortier it was the opposite. Chief Davis displayed effective knowledge, skills, and abilities in running his department, by leading and managing. Fortier lead but did not make sure the job was done (Cordner,