
Summary Of US No Longer A Full Democracy

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Employment is also an area where Black Americans lack the advantage to prosper sufficiently. “The employment rate among Black Americans is roughly twice that of whites” (Surowiecki). Black Americans are usually not qualified for certain jobs due to not enough education. Lack of education can lead to less voter turnout due to those with less education not knowing the importance of citizen participation in an active democracy. As said in “US No Longer a 'Full Democracy…” by Jonathan Petrie “in the U.S., a country that already has low voter turnout — 57 percent in 2012 — this is something we need to avoid” (Petrie). Other sources, however, argue that human rights are respected with the use of democracy. According to an article written by the United Nations, democratic governance should mean that citizens’ rights and basic freedoms are “respected, promoted and fulfilled, allowing them to live with dignity” (Democracy). Moreover, it describes how the “people have a say in decisions that affect their lives and can hold decision-makers to account, based on inclusive and fair rules, institutions and practices that govern social interactions… all people are free from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, class, gender or any other attribute.” …show more content…

The Electoral College aids in the protection of smaller states with lesser populations (Rotunda). “A purely popular vote would encourage some states (particularly one-party states) to change their voting requirements to increase that state’s influence nationwide” (Rotunda). Even so, the author claims that states with larger populations would want more influence in elections. Although the core of this claim is valid, it is flawed because the state majorities have more of a say in political elections, which sway the way the state votes in a national election. This actually denies the People the right to have a fair say electing a

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