
Summary Of What We Know About Environmental Print And Young Children

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Reading is being able to analyzing any print or text and interpret it using ideas. Reading skills take time to accomplish; however, it can be possible even with younger children. For example, students in primary grades can read environmental print without knowing how to spell there name. The article, “What We Know about Environmental Print and Young Children”, focuses on describing the conceptual framework of environment print, it explains what researcher have discovered about children in relation with environment prints, and it describes appropriate way to use environmental print in the classroom. To begin with, the article focuses on the framework for using environmental print. It states that environmental print is based on the theories on constructivism and contextualize. Basically, in order for children to make sense of environment print, they must have some assistance from a peers or teachers, since literacy is specific to each language and culture. It is said that when children first attend school, they have knowledge of environment print, so the teacher can use this background knowledge to transition into reading, writing, and speaking. Researchers have found that …show more content…

Conclusion that state: “Preschool children discover much about print prior to formal language instruction and teachers need to assist children in discovering the predictability of written language in a variety of real-world, whole language contexts”. So, it is evident that it is valuable for children to read signs and logos. This helps them with literature because they come with background knowledge. As stated in the text, “students were better able to make the transition from logos in context to logos written in manuscript to logos embedded in a sentence and logos typed.” In other words, the more children are expose to environmental print, the more success they will have in comprehending

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