
Summary: The Case Of Colorado V. Connelly

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In the case of Colorado v. Connelly, Connelly approached an officer and said that he wanted to confess to a murder. After being read his Miranda rights, he still wanted to continue with his confession. He was taken to the station and again advised of his rights. He confessed to a murder and even led police to the scene of his admitted crime. He was held overnight and questioned again the next morning. It was at this time that he began displaying symptoms of a mental illness. Due to his mental illness, Connelly’s confession was inadmissible. The self-incrimination clause refers to the Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. It means that a person can refuse to give information that will incrimate them in a crime. In the case of Colorado v. Connelly, the information that was disclosed by Connelly was self-incriminating. However, due to the fact that Connelly was read his Miranda rights twice and waived those rights, the self-incrimination clause is invalid. Connelly was not compelled by the police to admit to the crime. He approached the officer to make a confession. He was not a suspect. He only became involved when he involved himself with an admission. The crime he admitted to was a crime that was previously unsolved. The victm had never even been identified. There …show more content…

By definition, a confession is when following police questioning, a person makes a statement that admits guilt in a criminal activity. An admission, is also that admits guilt in a criminal activity but it is not reliant on police questioning. Based on the fact that Connelly approached the police to tell them about a crime he had committed, his statement was an admission. Due process voluntariness is when a suspect makes an involuntarty statement that it is not admissible in court. Although Connelly’s admission was not coerced or involuntary, it was not admissiable in court due to his mental

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