Summary: The Case Of Officer Tommy Hansen's First Ethical Dilemma

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Officer Tommy Hansen started off as an average officer who had gotten fed up with his partner, leading to his first ethical dilemma, when he let his partner, Officer John Ryan, pull over a husband and wife in a car and then let Officer Ryan grope the wife in front her husband. Officer Hansen had expressed his distaste in the situation, vocally, but he did not bother to stop Officer Ryan at all, he stayed in the car and watched the entire scenario fall apart. Officer Hansen had also turned away from the situation and tried to look away, as if Hansen was trying to ignore that Ryan was doing anything wrong in the first place. Another dilemma Hansen faced, is when he had chased down the vehicle the husband was in and when the husband was exerting his anger in a manner where the police might have shot him, if he did the wrong move with his hands. Hansen had realized he was the husband of the wife, who his ex-partner had groped earlier, and talked the husband down to a calm manner. Hansen could have let the other officers do what they thought was right and that route would have ended up in the husband getting shot, but Hansen stepped up to the plate, in order to prevent another unwanted consequence; the guilt of letting the wife get groped, leading to the husbands anger and death and in which he could have stopped either or. In the end, Officer Hansen …show more content…

Hansen is self-controlled, because he is able to be a good cop, but sees all the unethical actions that his peers commit, so he has a constant pressure to succumb to become bad. Hansen is uncontrolled by the end the movie, because he had succumb to the unethical pressure, but is not yet bad yet, for he hasn’t done anything to ultimately

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