Summary: The Gun Debate

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The Gun Debate The second Amendment guarantees that “A well-regulated Militia,being necessary to the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” In the article, “The Gun Debate” it states that President Obama thinks the gun laws do not need to be increased. This is what he says, “No single law, no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society.” I believe that this is true because, murder is already illegal, so there is no point in making more laws for the people that chose not to pay attention to them. In the article it also says that most killers are dealing with mental problems or illnesses. A gun range owner, Scott Ostrosky says, “A gun did not kill those children. A …show more content…

The evidence to support this point of view is clear. One example is that after Chicago raised their laws and made gun control stricter, the crime only went up. In the year of 2014 when they allowed people to have guns, the amount of crimes went down. This proves that we don’t need more gun laws, they only increase crime rate. Most likely because people don’t feel safe from the people who don’t follow the rules, when their gun is taken away. This also happened in Australia, once the gun laws were raised crime went up to 26% but after they got rid of the laws, the crime rate went to 21%. Another reason we should not make stricter gun laws is because, taking away our gun rights is like going against our second Amendment, after that, people will start the think we can go against the other Amendments. Next thing you know we will not be able to believe, say, do, or think what we want. One more reason more gun control laws won 't affect anything, is because there are so many other weapons that can be used to harm others. Now people can make a working gun using a 3D printer. These reasons prove that having stricter gun laws won’t stop bad